How to write comments

Comments : It is used to mark a section of code as non-executable.

      Python has two types of comments.

  1. Single-line comment : (# hash is used as comment in python whereas in C it is used to define preprocessor commands)
  2. Docstring comment : (Triple quote either  """ or ' ' ' is used as docstring comment)

Examples :
Single-line comment :
# Hello World!!!

Docstring comment :      
 """ Author : Codintechnoledge     
             Date : Unknown """
' ' '   You can write multiple lines here 
        and can even print docstring with attribute __doc__ ' ' '

Example on __doc__ :
def multiplier(a, b) :
""" This built-in function takes two input and returns their product.""
return a*b

Output :
>> This built-in function takes two input and returns their product.

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